Panic is a M.C. who reps Kansas City but was born in Texas. A rapper of Mexican dissent who blends hip-hop, metal, hardcore & horror in a nasty way. A man who reps hard for Latinos all over the world. A master of lyrics who can spit like a beast when a track needs to be murdered. Panic can also make you shake your ass when you need to be pushing up on some honey! He is a true underground talent that has the balls & talent to cross over. Panic was 13 years old when he first heard an immaculate fusion between two powerful genres of music being brought together. It wasn't the first time rap & metal was ever mixed but it definitely was the first time Panic has ever heard anything that sounded so ill. "I was different then everyone else," Panic says, "All of my other friends were into hip hop, I was a metal head. At the time my favorite group was Anthrax, hip hop came later for me. His older brother had gotten him into metal at a very young age. He was into hard core hip hop. Groups such as: NWA, Too Short, & Public Enemy were just some of the rap groups Panic would hear coming from his brother's room. "Out of all the rap groups I had heard I just so happened to be reading the lyrics to "Bring The Noise" by Public Enemy when I noticed the shot out to Anthrax." This fascinated Panic, a hardcore rap group such as PE giving shots out to one of the fastest, hardest, thrash metal bands since Slayer. Then one day it happened, "Bring the Noise" (the remix featuring no other then Anthrax). The sound was something Panic never heard before, something new blending Thrash & Rap. "I remembered getting chills when Chuck D & Scott Ian rapped together over hardcore hip-hop beats & thrash guitars". Since then Panic knew what the Almighty had put him on earth to do. A few years later Panic walked into his first studio. "I almost ejaculated in my pants." Three years later in 2001 Panic released his debut album "Weapons of Mass Dysfuntion." "I only made 1000 copies because I misspelled Dysfunction with an I, but I still made $10,000 just on the street." The buzz took off when Panic became a quarter of the group Empire. Panic has shared the stage with the likes of Busta Rymes, Fat Joe, Lil Flip, Guru from Gangstarr, Ying Yang Twins, Psycho Realm, Tech 9, Danny Diablo, & Necro to name a few. Now Panic is a family member of the infamous Dirty Money Syndicate, a group of real street cats who have the same common struggles as Panic. Underground sensation Danny Diablo a.k.a. Lord Ezec has now taken Panic under his wing and placed him in one of the illest underground hip-hop groups called "The Shotblockers". Panic has just finished recording a record for ILL-ROC RECORDS. The record is called Panic- Street C.D. Volume #1- "Dirty Mexican Sicko". The street c.d. is just like a mix tape but way better produced. It has 17 tracks for everyone to enjoy. This record will show Panic's true talent on the mic. Now that Panic is down with the ILL-ROC movement he is ready for war!

"Expect much more from me in the years to come. You keep bumping it, I'll keep making it. God Bless Ya Life, ILL-ROC 4 Life"

Friday, February 25, 2011


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